DIY Totoro Plush

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DIY Totoro Plush (Free Plush Pattern)

It’s hard to find someone who wouldn’t love Totoro! I’d go Crazy for anything inspired from Studio Ghibli, and a Totoro plush is definitely on the top of my list! This DIY Totoro plush is relatively one of the easiest Totoro plush tutorials you can find online and plus, you get free plush patterns for all 4 crafts! 



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List of Supplies

  • Felt fabric – grey, blue, white, green, black
  • Pencil or fabric marker
  • Needle and thread
  • Scissors
  • Cotton

Template for Totoro and Others

Download this Totoro Template and print it out. Cut out the patterns from the template to get started!

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DIY Totoro Plush Steps

Step 1: Tracing the Patterns

Select appropriate coloured felt fabrics for the characters; I’m using grey for Totoro, light blue for the medium creature and white for the smallest. Use green for the leaf and black for sprouts. Place the paper patterns on the selected felts and use a fabric marker or gel pen to trace the patterns on the felt. 

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Step 2: Cutting All Patterns

Cut out all the traced patterns nice and carefully. 

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Step 3: Assembling Totoro Pattern Cutouts

You can stitch the scallop-like grey patterns on the round white pattern but the easiest way is to use a hot glue gun to attach them. I’ve also used the hot glue gun to attach the black patterns of the eyes on the white parts. 

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Step 4: Stitching Totoron Patterns

Then I stitched the round pattern near the bottom side of one of the main body cutouts of Totoro. You can do a flat blanket stitch or running stitch. 

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Step 5: Stitching Totoro Base Patterns

Stitch or glue the eyes and the nose of Totoro. Also, prepare needle and thread to stitch the front and back body base patterns for the Totoro plushie. Start to stitch around the side to join both body base together. 

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Step 6: Stuffing Totoro Felt Pattern

Make sure to keep a small opening for stuffing the Totoro plushie. I’m using cotton for the stuffing.  Insert enough cotton through the opening to give the plushie a fluffy look. 

DIY Totoro Plush

Step 7: Closing the Opening

Once you are done with stuffing, stitch the opening to secure it. 

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Step 8: Crafting the Soot Balls

These are the cutest and the easiest of all the crafts! I simply glued the patterns to create the soot balls. 

DIY Totoro Plush

Craft the Other Creatures!

The making process for the rest of the creatures is pretty much the same. Use the free template and craft along.

DIY Totoro Plush

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