DIY Recycled Cardstock Notebook

Create a Recycled Notebook
Have lots of scrap cardstock papers but don’t know what to do with them? Here’s a quick, easy and fun way to recycle all those scrap carsdtock papers into a colorful notebook or photo album or scrap-book or memory book or anything, you name it!
Scrap craft papers and cardstocks are quite something to worry about if you have a whole load of them in your craft junk basket! Now that I’ve come up with this idea, I won’t be worrying about it ever again! This recycled cardstock notebook is the best in every way. You get to recycle all the scrap cardstock papers, use it as a photo album or scrap-booking, gift a friend or loved one.
Have look at the tutorial and give it a try!
- Colored Cardstock paper
- Paper punch
- Ruler
- X-acto knife
- Craft wire – 14 gauge
- Craft pliers
- Measure and cut out a piece of cardstock. Use the cutout cardstock paper to trace the size and cut more cardstock pieces.
- Use different colored cardstock papers. All pieces should be of the same size.
- Take a piece of cutout cardstock paper and punch holes along any one of the longer ends.
- Place the punched cardstock paper aligned with another one or two intact cardstock paper and mark the area of the holes on it. Now carefully punch holes on the marked area. Similarly punch holes on all the other cutout cardstock papers you want for the notebook.
- Use 14 gauge craft wire to make the rings for the notebook. I used a marker pen to make the rings because I didn’t have large looping pliers. Hold the end of the wire and coil it around the marker 2 times if you want 2 rings.
- Cut out the coiled wire to get 2 rings from it. The rings should be equal in size and big enough to add all the prepared cardstock pieces.
Hold all the punched cardstock pieces together. Add a ring with the cardstock papers through a punched hole and close the ring after you’re done. Similarly attach the other ring.
Now I can buy some cardtsock papers… finally! Happy crafting!