DIY Leather Zipper Extensions

I always have trouble grabbing the zipper of my purse and bag. One of my friends bought zipper extensions for herself and that’s when I first learned about zipper extensions. Obviously I wasn’t going to buy one :p
I grabbed some scrap leather and wooden beads and tada! Colorful beaded zipper extensions in 5 minutes! Supplies:
- Leather – thin strip
- Scissors
- Wooden beads
Step 1
Prepare your leather strip. The length should be at least 8 cm (or as long as you want the extension to be) and the width should be around 0.25 cm. Take the strip and insert the leather strip inside the zipper hole.
Step 2
Hold both open ends of the leather strip together and start inserting the beads. Insert as many beads as you want, but I think 3-5 beads look better. Tie a knot at the end of the strip. Keep 1 cm of the strip and trim extra.
No trouble grabbing the zipper anymore!